The Awesome Factor

Windows SEH Revisited

Monday, September 24, 2007

#seh #windows

It turns out there are Win32 API calls to set up a structured exception handler (SEH) on Windows NT, which is easier and more reliable to use than inline assembly. To install an exception handler, call AddVectoredExceptionHandler. An exception handler gets passed a PEXCEPTION_POINTERS struct, which is a PEXCEPTION_RECORD and a CONTEXT*, both of which are defined in the header files. The context structure is different on every platform because it lists the contents of the CPU registers at the time of the exception, while the ExceptionRecord struct is the same, and contains the ExceptionCode and the address where it occurred (in ExceptionInformation[1]).

The job of the exception handler is to determine where program execution should proceed after it returns. For Factor, the errors we handle are memory access errors, which happen when a stack overflows or underflows and hits a guard page, division by zero, and ‘any other error’. We can’t just jump to these Factor exception handlers inside the Win32 exception handler, but we can set the instruction pointer, the EIP register, to our handler and return EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_EXECUTION. In this way, we can let the operating system catch errors and report them to the user as “Data stack underflow”, “Division by zero”, and continue running Factor without expensive checks for each memory access or division.

The stack pointer at the time of the exception is also important. If we were executing compiled Factor code, as determined by checking the fault address against the C predicate in_code_heap_p, then we set a global with this address to continue execution after the exception is handled. However, if we are in C code, then the global is left as NULL.

Here is the code–much cleaner, and more correct, than before.

void c_to_factor_toplevel(CELL quot)
    AddVectoredExceptionHandler(0, (void*)exception_handler);

long exception_handler(PEXCEPTION_POINTERS pe)
    CONTEXT *c = (CONTEXT*)pe->ContextRecord;

        signal_callstack_top = (void*)c->Esp;
        signal_callstack_top = NULL;

    if(e->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION)
        signal_fault_addr = e->ExceptionInformation[1];
        c->Eip = (CELL)memory_signal_handler_impl;
    else if(e->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_FLT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO
            || e->ExceptionCode == EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO)
        signal_number = ERROR_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO;
        c->Eip = (CELL)divide_by_zero_signal_handler_impl;
        signal_number = 11;
        c->Eip = (CELL)misc_signal_handler_impl;


void memory_signal_handler_impl(void)

void divide_by_zero_signal_handler_impl(void)

void misc_signal_handler_impl(void)